Returning Hot Condensate in Steam System reduces Energy Cost as it takes a few BTU to convert Hot Condensate to become Steam. Armstrong Pumping Trap / Condensate Pump covers wide Flow Rate and Pressure. It's Snap action device offers long service life. How high is pumping needed depends on Motive Pressure driving the condensate. 1 Bar pressure pumps 10 Meters. Armstrong Pumping Trap Series : PT 104, 200, 300, 400, 516
Jual Pompa Diaphragm / Diaphragm Pump merek Taiyo. TD series adalah versi Metal dimana Body terbuat dari Aluminium dan Stainless Steel. Ideal untuk tekanan tinggi sampai 7 bar.
Jual Diaphragm Pump / Pompa Diafragma merek Samoa dari Spain. Beberapa keunggulanya yakni Hemat Energi, Awet, Halus & rendah Pulsasi, Mudah Perawatan.
Jual Yoshitake Condensate Pump / Pompa Kondensat untuk Recovery Steam kondensat ke Boiler House.
Samoa UP model / Universal Pump is designed to match Face to Face dimension of other International Brands for ease of replacement. It's unique design of Air Distribution Systems is Frictionless and offer Quite, less Pulsing and need small Air to operate. Kami jual Pompa Pneumatik.
Jl. Pinangsia Timur No.44 Jakarta 11110, Indonesia
Mon to Fri, 8 am to 4.30 pm Sat - Sun (Close) +62 21 6902756, +628111707861,